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Improve the Safety of Students with Reflective Sport Attire

As the snow begins to melt and the weather gets warmer, more people will head outdoors. You will notice that the local schools are more populated in the afternoons. Parents and teachers bring the children outdoors to burn off energy built over a long winter season. Now is the time to plan for outdoor safety…

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The Importance of a Sterling Tray

Right now there is a lot of value to be found in products that are made of silver and gold or just the material themselves that are gold and silver. This is because gold and silver are somewhat rare amongst the other materials in this modern world. As a matter of fact, many experts believe…

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7 Ways You Help the World When You Donate Your Used Clothing

People in the United States are generous. Not only do people around the country donate money and time, we also give the items that we can no longer use. Making used clothing donations is one way that we do things such as provide support for support for military families and help other people in need….

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Wearing High Visibility Clothing to Work Is an Important Part of Many Careers

While the rest of the city celebrates, your husband is still out working. While students and teachers are excited about the unexpected day off school because of the weather, your husband still heads out the door to his job. Trash collections may not be the most glamorous job in the country, but it is a…

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High Visibility Clothing Protecting Employees From Workplace Injuries

All too often, we hear of accidents in the construction workplace, which is known to be one of the most dangerous industries today. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers who are 65 and older experienced 94 injuries per 10,000 full-time employees. A new employee is three times more the risk of having an…

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7 Tips and Tricks to Healthier and Happier Hair

Most people around the world care about how their hair looks. People in the United States are not immune to this. It has been estimated that each month, more than 100 million people in that country will go to a salon. About 59 million Americans treated themselves to four haircuts or more in 2016. When…

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Tattoos A Brief Overview and Options

Tattoos are a part of every day life in America, or have grown steadily in use in the past 20 years. What was once a counter culture activity is now more commonplace, as almost three in 10 Americans have at least one permanent tattoo. There is a significant number especially among the younger generation to…

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Get Moving With a Trip to Your Sporting Goods Store

Every year around January, the stores flood with people looking to keep their New Year’s resolutions going strong. Sporting goods stores may particularly see an upswing in sales as people come in for adventure gear, camping gear, workout gear, or to cash in gift cards for specialized sports like fishing equipment, hunting gear, paddle boarding,…