Looking Good Means Feeling Good Why More Americans Are Caring About Their Nails And Hair

First impressions are everything. People will spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars every year to look their best at all times. As an aesthetician you not only know this, but specialize in it.
Curved eyebrows as a perfect touch-up for the rest of the face, long lashes that bring out the eyes…it’s all in a day’s work! Whether you focus more on haircuts or want to branch out to other areas of beauty, it’s important to stay updated on what people are looking for. Social media moves at the speed of light and keeping up is a full-time job in of itself. Should you look into eyebrow enhancing products this year? Are you better off taking microblading classes?
Let’s take a look at some new trends, some old trends, and what you should be focusing on this year.
The History Of Beauty And How It Impacts The Modern Day
For as long as humans have been around, beauty has been both a social tool and a way to feel more confident. Historians have mountains of evidence on ancient cultures and all the ways humankind has ornamented themselves. Believe it or not, nail polish dates all the way back to 3,000 B.C. in China! The Victorian Era saw the price of beauty much higher than usual. Many eyeshadows and lip stains contained poisonous ingredients, such as mercuric sulphide and belladonna. Even some of today’s beauty products can be less-than-savory!
Popular Hair Colors And Styles For Your Viewing Pleasure
It’s your job as an aesthetician to take good care of each customer that comes through the door. If you work in hair, chances are you’re already aware of popular styles. The stereotype that blondes have more fun is just that, but there’s an interesting fact at the root — natural blondes have an average of 140,000 hairs on their head, while brunettes have a little over 110,000. Redheads have the least at 80,000! Hair is a fascinating thing, designed to keep us warm as well as looking good.
Today’s Growing Obsession With The Perfect Eyebrow
In fact…what better way to celebrate the nature of hair than with the perfect eyebrow? Many spas and aestheticians have been buying eyebrow enhancing products to keep up with the latest craze. The average eyebrow has around 250 hairs — while the hair on your head can last between three and seven years, the hair in your brows lasts for just about four months. Social media (and Instagram, in particular) has been working hard to promote eyebrow-related beauty. On the scientific end of things, MIT researchers found eyebrows to be key in facial recognition!
Relaxing Self-Care Through Beauty Ventures
Looking good means you feel good. Feeling good is essential to self-care and long-term health. Millions of Americans visit spas every year, sometimes several times per year, in order to look and feel their best. Some prefer to just get their nails done, while others will go for a full hair and face package after they’re done with a massage. If you’re thinking of attracting more people to your place of business, your toolkit needs to keep up with the latest trends.
The Most Essential Beauty Tools In Your Toolkit
Should you focus on eyebrow enhancing products? Is it worth taking a microblading course? It’s better to be prepared for anything, as each customer is going to have a slightly different idea on what a good trip entails. A poll released by YouGov Omnibus found 30% of women wanting to focus on self-care over the following years. A few microblading classes might help with attracting more social media-savvy clients, while keeping basic hair and nail products on hand will maintain a broad appeal.
Looking good is an ongoing process. Help people feel their best this year by catching up on your eyebrow enhancing products and keeping your shelf stocked.