Are You Attending a Tailgate Party This Upcoming Weekend?

This was supposed to be a bye weekend, but that is no longer the case. When the first football game of the season was rained out, the season ticket holders simply resigned themselves to the fact that this would just be one of the shortest seasons than they have ever had. When the athletic department found a team to travel in for a make up game on what would have been the bye weekend, however, everyone got ready for a new level of excitement.

The sororities and fraternities lead the way in many parts of the celebration. Offering branded beer koozies for sale by each house has turned into a real collector’s event. Finding the designs for each of these branded beer koozies for sale served as a design contest for many of the houses, so the event turned into a collection of efforts across campus. Graphic art students were able to see their ideas come to life as all of the top fans look for a way to dress up your beer; marketing students created sales strategies that helped drive up the enthusiasm for the branded beer koozies for sale; and the caterers on campus are creating food centers that will help fill in the otherwise traditional food that is served at the game.

Outdoor Drinking Accessories Add to the Excitement of Many Events
The latest research indicates that an estimated 65% of people aged 55 and older drink liquor, beer, or wine. When it is football tailgate season, then, it makes sense that there are a number of craft beers that make an appearance during the football tailgating season. Consider some of these facts and figures about the beer industry and the impact that it has on many local economies:

  • Among 21 to 24 year olds, beer consumption has fallen by 3% over the last 15 years.
  • 44% of women claimed New Year’s Eve is the holiday most associated with alcohol, according to a survey of 1,000 Americans by
  • 71% to 73% of Millennials drink liquor, beer, or wine.
  • Followed by tequila and then vodka, beer is the number one alcoholic drink consumed on Halloween.

Whether you are preparing for an extra football game on what was supposed to be the bye weekend or you are hosting a fall gathering around a bonfire, it is important to make sure that you have all of the right food, and drinks, for the evening!

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