Proposing Nowhere Near as Scary as You Think

So you’ve decided to pop the question. You’ve found that special someone, and you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Good for you!
What about the ring?
If the above paragraph filled you with an abnormal amount of dread and apprehension, don’t worry. First, you’re not alone. Many people find buying diamond engagement rings a scary prospect. But continue to not worry, because second, it’s not scary at all! Here are a few of the “scariest” things about buying a ring, and the reasons why they’re actually about as scary as a tiny puppy sleeping on a pillow.
What If I Pick the Wrong Size or Style?!
- The Problem: Sure, you feel like you know your beloved like you know your own soul — but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re up-to-speed on her taste in jewelry. Does she prefer white gold or yellow gold? Does she have any metal allergies? Is her jawline better accentuated by a princess-cut diamond or a round? What if I size it too big and it falls off?
- The Reality: The size and ultimate style of the ring are far less important than the actual giving of the ring itself. She’s not going to say no because she has a deep-seated hatred of bezel settings. You’re asking her to marry you, not grade your sleuth-work on what she likes or doesn’t like. She’ll love the ring because you picked it out. Period.
- Summary: Stop worrying about it.
What About the Cost?!
- The Problem: When it comes to buying the diamond finances loom large. Sticker shock is a not-uncommon occurrence in jewelry stores — all that sparkly-sparkly can entrance you, only to have reality come crashing down around your ears when you glance at the price tag, and you start to ponder how many pints of blood and plasma you can safely sell and still remain conscious (and passing out might not be a deal-breaker.)
- The Reality: Many stores offer diamond finance programs so that you don’t have to walk into the store with a bag of unmarked, non-sequential bills. You can get the ring you really want, rather than settling for something. And your money is buying more than just a piece of jewelry. You’re purchasing a life-long relationship with your jeweler, who will usually offer cleanings, sizings, upgrades, and a host of other options to their customers.
- Summary: Seriously, stop worrying about it.
How Do I Find the Right Moment?!
- The Problem: You only get one chance to propose, and TV shows and movies have set the bar pretty high when it comes to charming, romantic, sweeping, and/or quirky. Your Google search for proposal ideas turned up a lot of suggestions, but they’re all things that someone has already done. You want original, you want memorable, you want… perfect.
- The Reality: Your proposal is going to be perfect, no matter what you do, and no matter how many people have done the exact same thing before you. Do you know why? Because your proposal isn’t about JumboTrons and hundreds of well-timed doves: it’s about asking your beloved to spend the rest of her life with you. That’s it. You ask, she answers. That’s the heart of it all. The rest is just details.
- Summary: For the love of all things holy, stop worrying about it.
Just remember: It’s not about styles, it’s not about diamond finance programs, and it’s not about an elaborate scavenger hunt. When you propose, whatever you do will be right. It’s that simple.