How to Appreciate Your Dog? Try Home Made Dog Treats

Our furry friends are always there to give us attention, beg for a treat, and keep us company. In fact, 90 percent of pet owners say that they consider their pets to be another member of their immediate family. Especially canine pets, they tend to really hold a special place in their owner’s hearts. And they have for an extremely long time.
In South America, specifically Gran Chaco, the ancient Mbaya Indians believed humans lived underground originally, but came above ground when dogs dug them up. Humans have had a relationship with dogs and their ancestors since the beginning of recorded time. And, due to a dog’s keen senses, sometimes they can help us out as well as we help them.
Dogs can absolutely be trained to find many different things, which has always be a very useful trait for humans. From detecting allergens to sniffing out cancers in the prostate, bladder, breast, lungs, and skin, dogs noses are truly spectacular. In fact, there have been studies that indicate it’s very likely that canines can smell sadness, fear, and even anxiety.
With all of these reasons and more, dog owners really do make their dogs a part of their family. Did you know that around a third of dog owners have a framed picture of their pet displaying in their home? As attached as people are to their pets, many enjoy making homemade dog treats for their pets.
But, how to make dog treats that are good for your dog? Can you make gluten free dog treats, are there ways to make natural healthy dog treats, what can you put in home made dog biscuits? There are a million questions to ask to make sure that you make something that is both delicious for your pet and won’t disagree with them. A really good way to do this is of course to go on the internet and search for dog treats recipes for ideas and tips on what to put inside!
Either way, if you decide to make gluten free dog treats or find some other healthy recipes for dog treats, your pup will always appreciate the treat!
i wood be really worried that id make treats that woudl lyk, kill my dog …
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them
Yeah, you would have to do some serious research to make sure it was nontoxic to them