3 Things You Didn’t Know Could Help Oily Skin

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Have you ever gone to the store and tried looking for the perfect face wash for your skin, but then noticed that some were made from dry skin, others for normal, and then the rest for oily? How do you know if you have oily skin? What if you have combination skin?

Skin is a complicated thing to worry about, and while it is a tough exterior, it’s something that needs to be cared for with all the right ingredients. Some skincare regimens require many different products and a lot of your time. Sometimes good skin even calls for a trip to the dermatologist or to a microdermabrasion session.

Some women engage in regiments that help keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay. However, what many women might not know is that there are several secrets to keeping skin looking young and beautiful, even if you have oily skin. If you’re looking for some tips on having great skin when you are dealing with your skin producing too much oil, follow these three things.

1. Use sunscreen every day

One of the most overlooked parts of a makeup routine or skincare regimen is putting sunscreen on every day. You should not rely on the SPF that some products claim to have and should be sure to use a sunscreen every single day. Contrary to what you might think, those with oily skin actually need moisture and hydration. You might be thinking that if you have oily skin, it must be better to strip it of oil instead of hydrate it more, but drying your skin out will actually cause your skin to produce even more oil! If you have sensitive skin, choose a sunscreen that is designed specifically for the face. Use it as a moisturizer, and then put your makeup on. Skin Cancer Foundation reports that over 90 percent of all skin changes you see, like spots, discoloration, and lines, are attributed to the sun. Stay protected by wearing sunscreen! Using an SPF of 15 or higher daily has shown to cause 24 percent less skin aging in people, compared to those who don’t wear sunscreen daily at all. Other ways to watch sun damage includes staying in the shade or wearing a hat when going for a morning run or hitting the beach.

2. Make sure to cleanse

Cleansing is a great option for those with oily skin as it can help clean out impurities and oil buildup in your pores, keeping your skin clear of acne and blackheads.You’ll want to make sure to get a face was that is designed for oily skin, to make sure your skin does not get too dried out. A face wash that is designed for oily skin might include a few drops of essential oils like geranium, lavender, or tea tree oil, which can help balance oil production.

3. Use alcohol-free toner

Using alcohol might seem like a good idea because it could help absorb excess oil, but drying out your skin causes it to over produce oil. Instead, opt for a produce that is alcohol-free, which can keep oil production in balance. For an added bonus, aim to find one with rosewater in it!

Do you have any other advice for keeping oily skin balanced? Leave it in the comments! More on this topic.

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